Microsoft Excel Tutorial- Hide or Unhide Rows and Columns

In most cases in Microsoft excel worksheet, it is necessary to hide or unhide certain rows or columns so as to make the whole worksheet compact and readable without scrolling to the right and left or up and down.

For example, if you want to insert chart into a worksheet and you don’t want certain columns or rows to appear on the chart, it is necessary to hide and later unhide those columns and rows when you are through with the chart.  

In this tutorial, I will be taken you through the steps of hiding and unhide rows and columns in Microsoft excel worksheet. So sit back and follow me along.

Table of Content

  • Explanation
  • Hide Columns and Rows
  • Unhide Columns and Rows



From the above figure, it can be seen that students are offering six subjects. The first subject is English follow by Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geography. what happen if we want to plot a pie chat of students names against Mathematics scores. The problem here is that English column is between Name and Mathematics columns, and we need to select both Name and mathematics columns to insert the pie chart in the worksheet.

The solution to this problem is to hide the middle column (English) and then select the remaining columns (Name and Mathematics).


Hide Columns or Rows

The following steps below apply to both row and column

Step one:

Select the column or row


Click on the heading to select it as shown in the figure below

Steep two:

Right-click and from the drop down menu, select “Hide”


Unhide Column or Row

The following steps below apply to both row and column

Step one:

To unhide a column or row, select the column or row to the right and left or up and down of the column or row you have already hidden.

Step two:

Right-click and from the drop-down menu that appears, select unhide.